`Wompoo in the Wet

A beautiful watercolour and gouache by Artist Gail Shaw. We are very happy with this beautiful piece of art work that has found a new home at `Wompoo Eco Retreat’.
A guest’s thank you card

Guests Liz & Rick who are keen bird observers left us a beautiful card.
Bath Salts

Your stay at Wompoo Eco Retreat wouldn’t be complete without a luxurious soak in the outdoor rammed earth bath. We now provide complimentary bath salts to enhance this experience. The salts have natural sea salt, epsom salt, yoghurt & goatsmilk powder, tapioca starch and essential oils.
Soap making for our guests…..

Love the new matcha tea and ylang ylang plus favourites; uplifting minty aromas and the earthy turmeric, ginger and lemon myrtle.
New home for native bees

We had to transfer this colony of Austropleabeia spp native bees into their new home. We placed them amongst the Rambutan trees to improve pollination.
Handmade Soap

Soap making this weekend – earthy lemon myrtle, ginger and turmeric with ground `ginger lift tea’ from the `the tea chest’ and ylang ylang, orange with ground `daintree chai original’ – `the tea chest’ infusion. Our soaps are hand made using essential oils – they smell so good.
Daintree Soap

We have been busy harvesting ginger and turmeric and have made a fantastic soap using these ingredients which create an earthy aroma. Also a refreshing minty soap for those cool mornings and an oat and honey blend which is rich and creamy.
King tides over the weekend = 4th Beach

Why did the Cassowary cross the road?

Because I got in the way. The Cassowary came out of the rainforest onto our track, just as I was pulling onto the track.
Breakfast @ Wompoo

Our guests enjoy a complimentary breakfast each morning during their stay at Wompoo eco retreat in the Daintree rainforest. We provide guests with quality fresh local produce such as seasonal tropical fruits, Daintree teas and local coffee.